Register Early for Classes! 
Some classes fill quickly and others are cancelled due to low enrollment unnecessarily. Please register early!

• Pre-registration is required, unless otherwise indicated.
• Class sizes are limited, register early.
• Community Education reserves the right to cancel any activity due to insufficient enrollment.
• When an activity is cancelled, we will make every effort to contact registrants ASAP and process a refund.

COMMUNITY EDUCATION: Cancellation requests must be received no later than two full business days prior to the class start date, or by the published registration deadline, in order to receive a refund. (Example: For a class beginning on a Tuesday, the cancellation request must be received by the end of the workday the Thursday of the week prior to be eligible to receive a refund.)

EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION (ECFE): Cancellations must be received a week prior to the start of class to receive a full refund.

Community Education Activities: Families that reside in or attend ISD #466 and qualify under the free/reduced school lunch income guidelines are eligible for youth activities at a reduced rate.

Early Childhood Family Education: No family will be turned away for an inability to pay. If the class has a sliding fee scale, please choose what fits into your family situation. 

🙂SMILE! Community Ed. and Early Childhood may photograph, film, or interview participants for publicity purposes. By registering for a class, you acknowledge for those you are registering that photographs may be taken and used in publications, websites and advertising.

Non Endorsement: Although Community Ed. does not endorse our instructors' opinions or business affiliations, we strive to provide a quality experience for our participants.

Past Due Accounts: Accounts showing outstanding balances for service received from Community Ed. or Early Childhood programs (including childcare & preschool) will not be eligible to register for other programs until accounts are paid in full.